About Us
TWIC is a pioneering developer of Water / Wastewater Projects in India, which has been promoted jointly by Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Limited (IL&FS) and Government of Tamilnadu.
TWIC has been actively involved in developing and implementing projects across several sectors such as Textiles, Leather tanneries and also Pulp & Paper. TWIC’s expertise ranges from urban water and sewerage systems, industrial effluent management, and recycling, Sea Water Desalination, Restoration of Rivers and Water Bodies. TWIC’s mandate is to provide clients with end-to-end solutions through a comprehensive understanding of the problem, selection of appropriate technology solutions, design development, arranging finance, procurement of contractors, supervision of implementation and Operation & Maintenance. TWIC’s objective is to develop projects from concepts to implementation through a model aimed at reducing life cycle costs within a sustainable delivery framework.

Unique capabilities of TWIC
In line with its philosophy of offering service at the highest level of professional excellence, the following qualities makes TWIC different from others:
- Emphasis on Life Cycle Costs and Benefits (Technology / O&M)
- Ability to commercialise the projects, thereby leveraging Government funds
- Demonstration of Pilots before large scale implementation
TWIC has been following established policies as outlined below:
a. Introduction of New Technologies:
- TWIC has been successful in introducing new technologies in the field of water & wastewater projects.
- Technology improvements have been carried out in the field of industrial wastewater treatment, which relate to implementation support for “Zero Liquid Discharge” facilities consisting of a host of “State of Art” systems & processes such as Activated Sludge Processes, Membrane Bio Reactors, Ultra Filtration, Reverse Osmosis, Nano Filtration, High Pressure Plate and Tube Reverse Osmosis, Ultra High Pressure Reverse Osomosis, Mechanical Vapour Recompression Type Evaporators, Crystallizers and Adiabatic Chillers etc in very highly polluting industries such as Textile Dyeing, Tanneries and Pulp & Paper.
- Most of the facilities created have high level of online instrumentation, metering and Automation. It is pertinent to mention that such ZLD facilities created are one of the first of its kind in the World.
- TWIC has also introduced technologies such as “Brine reuse technology” for Textile dyeing and ZLD technology for Paper & pulp mills. These developments have already started to have a positive impact on the environment.
- TWIC focus on, not just recovery of water & salt, but also recovery of by-products from Wastewater, such as Chemicals / Energy etc.
b. Sustainable Operation & Maintenance:
- While developing projects, TWIC works on the premise that project interventions should have lasting benefits and also would need to be operated and maintained on a sustainable basis.
- TWIC has put in place effective O&M teams for asset management and sustainable operations.
- TWIC has in-house expertise in various fields relating to water supply and wastewater management and also has the flexibility to recruit engineers/operators etc., who are experienced in the similar field within a short time.
- TWIC is presently operating 7 nos Textile CETPs deploying 300 technical staffs.
Experience of TWIC in ZLD
- Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is toughest regulation that can be implemented in polluting industries, wherein, not a drop of wastewater can be discharged and complete recycle of the Wastewater is done.
- TWIC has carried out several projects in Industrial Wastewater treatment and recycling in highly polluting industries such as Textile dyeing, Tanneries and Paper & pulp.
- TWIC has developed and established 9 Textile dyeing CETPs with combined capacity of 53 MLD in Tiruppur based on ZLD and have played a key role in revival of the industry in Tiruppur after prolonged closure due to the High Court Orders.
- TWIC has implemented similar CETP projects in the Ambur, Vanniyambadi Tannery belt (3 CETPs) in Tamilnadu and have also worked in Pallavaram-Chennai, which is another Tannery CETP.
- TWIC also worked with Tamilnadu Newsprint and Paper Limited (TNPL) in implementing and operating a pilot plant to study the techno economic feasibility for implementing a ZLD system for mill effluent.
- TWIC has also implemented technologies such as the ‘Brine Resuse Technology’ for Textile industry & separation of Sodium sulphate for Pulp and Paper & Crystallisation of Glauber’s salt etc., for further management of Reverse Osmosis Rejects.
- All these projects contain highly complex and state of the art technologies and systems such as:
- Total Biological Oxidation (TBO)
- Tertiary system based on Quartz, Decolourant Resin and Softener resin filters, Salt separation resins.
- Membrane Bio-reactors (MBR)
- Membrane Technologies such as R.O., Nano and Ultra Filtration.
- Mechanical Vapour Recompression type and Multiple Effect type Evaporators.
Experience in CETP
- TWIC has been a pioneer in implementation of Zero Liquid Discharge Systems as a Project developer and Consultant for over 14 CETPs in Textile and Tannery sector operating in Tamilnadu. Of this, 10 Textile CETPs have been developed by TWIC with capacities ranging from 3 MLD to 11 MLD with a combined capacity of 54.4 MLD and 4 Tannery CETPs with a combined capacity of 10.2 MLD.
- TWIC is also an Independent O&M operator for 7 CETPs for a period of 15 Years.
- TWIC has worked with Ministries / Government Departments in Tamilnadu, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat.
Experience in Urban Water
- TWIC has been actively involved in developing and implementing projects across water sectors and has made its presence Pan India and has also done International assignment. Our expertise ranges in urban water and sewerage systems, in areas of water supply, sewerage projects and water recycling. Our role in all these areas would be to provide our clients with end-to-end solutions through a comprehensive understanding of the problem, selection of appropriate technology solutions, design development, arranging finance, procurement of contractors, supervision of implementation and Operation & Maintenance. We help our clients in developing projects from concepts to implementation through a model aimed at reducing life cycle costs within a sustainable delivery framework. We work closely with all the state & central government Water boards, PHE departments and also with major external funding agencies like World bank, ADB, JICA, KfW in the field of water sector.
- TWIC has already has more than 20 years of experience in the water supply sector in the state of Tamilnadu majorly and also has worked extensively in the State of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Jharkhand and Maharashtra.
TWIC has been actively involved in developing and implementing projects across water sectors and has made its presence Pan India and also International assignment. Our expertise ranges in
- Urban water and sewerage systems, in areas of
- Water supply
- Sewerage projects and water recycling.
The main project areas are:
- (24×7) Continuous water supply Scheme.
- Water demand & water distribution management.
- District Metered Area(DMA) based water distribution designs
- Active leakage control& NRW Reduction strategies
- End to End sewerage management systems including collection, conveyance and treatment & reuse of sewage.
- Underground sewerage schemes and Sewage treatment plants
- Tertiary treated Reverse Osmosis (TTRO) Plant Projects for wastewater reuse
- Waterbodies restoration and rejuvenation.
- Nature based wastewater treatment
Experience in Lake & River Restoration
- TWIC has provided consultancy services for feasibility study and preparation of DPR for River pollution abatement of Vaigai, Bhavani, Cauvery, Tamarabarani, Vashista, Sarabanga, Cooum, Gadilam , Pennaiyar, Palar, Vaippar and Aliyar Rivers in Tamilnadu and provided various solutions for River Pollution abatement viz. (i) Intercepting and collecting sewage outfalls to treat in the de-centralized treatment plants (ii) Constructed wetlands to treat the raw sewage naturally through ecological engineering techniques, (iii) Providing Riparian Buffer zone of native vegetation for protection of the river banks on both sides and improving its ecology, (iv) Construction of Under Ground Sewage System (UGSS) and Centralized Sewage Treatment Plants etc.,
- TWIC has done a consultancy services for preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Restoration and Rejuvenation of 60 Water Bodies in Greater Chennai Corporation Area.
- TWIC has prepared the Detailed Project Reports for restoration of Ooty Lake in Tamilnadu
- TWIC has prepared the Detailed Project Reports for restoration of Mudasarlova Lake catchment in Greater Vizag Municipal Corporation.
- TWIC is providing Project Management Agency Services for Restoration of Zamin Pallavaram Periya Eri (Lake) and Keelkattalai Eri (Lake) in Pallavaram Municipality in Tamilnadu State.
Experience in Sea Water Desalination
- TWIC has been expanding its foot print in a decade period to provide consultancy services for carryout feasibility study, preparation of Detailed project report and Transaction advisory for various desalination plant (SWRO,SWRO/BWRO, BWRO) capacities meeting the product water quality of drinking water standard (ISO 10500/WHO Standards) and Industrial Standards (Process Industries), so far TWIC has provided consultancy services to 16 Sea Water Desalination Plants (8 in Gujarat, 7 in Tamilnadu & 1 in Odisha with capacity ranging from 0.5 MLD to 100 MLD.
- TWIC is the only Consultant to have developed the concept of Zero Brine for desalination plant near Gulf of Mannar with its pioneer expertise in ZLD for Industrial waste water.
- TWIC has been appointed as Project Management Agency for implementation of 150 MLD Sea Water Desalination Plant in Tamilnadu and 100 MLD plant in Gurajat.
Government Recognition
Government of Tamilnadu:
- Has nominated TWIC as Project Management Agency (PMA) in any future projects relating to development and operation and maintenance of CETP and Industrial water supply through reuse of sewage water and desalination taken up on behalf of Government of Tamilnadu on need basis by duly granting exemption under clause (j) of section 16 of Transparency in Tender Act, 1998 (Tamilnadu Act 43 of 1998).
- GoTN has appointed TWIC as the Project Management Agency (PMA) for implementing on behalf of the Government for the following:
- Dedicated agency for development and O&M of CETPs of the Government of Tamilnadu. Industrial water supply through Reuse of Sewage Water and Desalination.
- Handlooms, Handicrafts, Textiles and Khadi Department, GoTN appointing TWIC as the Project Management Agency for the Textile CETPs in Tiruppur
- Environment and Forest (EC.1), GoTN has appointed TWIC for carrying out the diagnostic study, preparation of Detailed Project Report, facilitating financial closure and advisory on Project Management Consultancy (PMC) / O&M for Micro, Small, Medium Bleaching and Dyeing units in the districts of Namakkal, Erode, Salem & Karur.
- TWIC has been appointed as Programme Management Agency (PMA) in any future projects viz Operation and Maintenance of CETP, Industrial Water Supply through reuse of sewage water and desalination duly granting exemption under clause (j) of section 16 of Transparency in Tender Act 1998 (Tamilnadu Act 43 of 1998)
- TWIC has been appointed as “One City – One-Operator” for all the 18 Common Effluent Treatment Plants in Tiruppur Cluster by Handlooms, Handicrafts, Textiles and Khadi (C2) Department.
Govt of India
TWIC is partnering with various projects and schemes of GoI, such as
- TWIC’s technology for ZLD has been recognized by the Ministry of Textiles and has been evaluated and accepted by the Department of Science and Technology (DST).
- TWIC is a Project Management Consultant (PMC) to Ministry of Textiles (MoT) for Integrated Processing Development Scheme (IPDS) for implementation of Textile Based CETPs in India.
- TWIC is Consultant to National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), under the Ministry of Jal Sakthi, for preparation of DPR for setting up of CETPs for various Industrial clusters. We are also Project Engineer for setting up of the Jajmau Tannery CETP in Kanpur.
- TWIC is Joint Venture (JV) partner with NIOT (National Institute of Ocean Technology) for providing consultancy services for implementation of Sea Water Reverse Osmosis desalination plants for ports.
International Experience
- World Bank Group / IFC also has engaged TWIC for implementing wastewater treatment systems including ZLD for Konabari Textile clusters in Bangladesh.
- Rendered technical & commercial due diligence services to SCI Asia for investment in a Chinese Water Company.
Awards received by TWIC: TWIC has also received several awards, such as:
- The Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) effluent project, implemented by Tamilnadu Water Investment Company Limited (TWIC) for the Textile Dyeing cluster in Tiruppur, has been recognized by Global Water Intelligence (GWI), UK for the prestigious Global Water Awards 2014 as “Highly Commended” under the “Industrial Water Project of the year” category and has also called it as a “phoenix rising from the ashes of an environmental catastrophe”.
- The Project was also awarded the “2014 Industrial Project of the year award” by the Wate Reuse Association, USA, “for contributing to the advancement of water sustainability through the innovative application of reclaimed water”.
- The 2030 WRG Corporate Water Stewardship Awards 2015 was awarded to TWIC by 2030 Global Water Intelligence Group – Athens, Greece. The Corporate Water Stewardship Award honors the company which best reflects the objectives of the 2030 Water Resources Group in achieving creative solutions for improving water security.
Experience with Government Grants / Subsidies
TWIC has been involved and assisted the Government in most of the Union and State Government Schemes namely, ASIDE / DIPP / ILDP / TUF / Central subsidy / IPDS-MoT / GoTN Interest Free loan etc.